Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Over or under? Qualified that is...

I applied for a job in the North Aurora warehouse of the Aldi grocery stores today.  It wasn't something I intended on doing, but the opportunity arose, and I took it.  They pay their warehouse employees $17.50/hour! 

Although the process was extremely easy, I left feeling like a jackass.  I was embarrassed by my application because I have a university degree and tons of work experience, and I was applying for a job that, with the exception of a good work ethic (which I also have), requires very little knowledge or skill.  It was ackward submitting it to the executives that were running the "job fair," while we all knew that I was not applying to work with but (very obviously) under them.

Leaving, I knew that there was zero chance of them ever calling me for an interview.  However, the curious part was my sudden realization that while some may see me as "over-qualified," it is actually more likely that I am "under-qualified" for the position.  I have light stocking experience, but no warehouse priors.  I can't lift really heavy things, I wasn't referred by anyone (not actually true, but I failed to mention this on the application because I'm a nimwit), I'm not certified to operate any heavy machinery, and so on...

As usual, the question becomes, what am I qualified to do?  No one in my field wants to hire me because I don't have the right job experience, and no one in service-type jobs wants to hire me because I have a degree.

There is nothing more infuriating to me than a solid Catch 22.

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