Monday, October 27, 2008

Women AGAINST Sarah Palin

So, I just rediscovered my Blogger site. That's lame, I know. With only eight days left until election day, I figured I would finally post something. This was my contribution to the Women Against Sarah Palin Blog...


Well, I have been meaning to come on this blog to officially declare my opposition to Sarah Palin, but I took my sweet time, and now it appears that all has been said. Regardless, I would like to take this opportunity to officially declare, "No!" to Sarah Palin.

There are so many reasons why I oppose her that it is not even comical. It's sick. It's depressing. This is the "greatest nation on Earth," the "most democratic," the "founders of freedom." How is this point in our history supposed to be taken seriously?! The whole McCain campaign for presidency has been a joke, but not a funny joke. Rather, it is a sick and embarrassing and shameful joke.

To anyone out there who is seriously considering Sarah Palin for office (or John McCain for that matter), wake up! Look into why you are voting this person. Investigate! There's still time to do the math and realize that McCain is making a mockery of the American people and using women as the brunt of his joke. McCain does not respect women. If he did, he would have chosen a qualified, Republican running mate long before he pulled Sarah Palin out of the woodwork. If he respected women, he would have a record of fighting for their rights, equal rights.

This Friday, I am going to vote early in Chicago. I am going to vote for Barack Obama and not because I am from Illinois. I am voting for Barack Obama because he respects women. He respects people. He respects America. Barack Obama WILL bring the change that this country so desperately needs. He will return us to a time when America and American values are taken seriously across the globe. This election will close a shameful chapter in American history and move us beyond the Bush/McCain plans for exploiting the American people.

And hey, in all honesty, if he doesn't live up to his word, I think taking a chance on Barack Obama is a much stronger approach to our future than backing a candidate who is publicly guaranteeing to fail my beliefs and values for our future...

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